Come Join Us!

Upcoming Free Event:

Conejo Valley Cloggers                                                                            35th Anniversary Picnic

Saturday October 5th at Santa Rosa Valley Clubhouse  11701 E Las Posas Rd.  3-6 pm

We’ll be dancing on a concrete basketball court, so bring a large piece of cardboard to dance on. 

Come join us for dancing and socializing. Pot Luck 

If you are not quite ready for in-person classes, you can  learn at home at your own pace with detailed lessons on our YouTube Channel!

Come join an amazing group of dancers and learn at your own pace.

We’ve been dancing in Thousand Oaks for over 30 years now! We dance to country, pop, bluegrass, Irish music, and a variety of current tunes.

No special shoes are needed to start.
Tap shoes may be worn.

You don’t need a partner.
You don’t need to memorize anything.
Just be eager to have FUN!

We welcome men and women,
adults and children over the age of 13 years.

We look forward to meeting you!

Performance at the Thousand Oaks Rotary Club Street Fair. October 21, 2018


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Evy Eisele

Just LOVE Clogging, if was asked to sum it up! After 25 years of playing soccer, the injuries became too difficult to recover from. So I was in search of some form of dancing to replace my passion for soccer.

Twenty years ago that discovery came at a Festival of Dances held in Camarillo. The cadence of the Cloggers performing struck me with excitement, I just had to be up there with them. And a year later I was performing with the Conejo Valley Cloggers Exhibition Team. Five years after that I wanted to teach and cue clogging. Mentored by Julie Morris, I started teaching my own classes, working with kids, then to teaching adults.

Clogging is an excellent physical and mental challenge with endless learning, and it’s feel good fun for the soul!. The Conejo Valley Cloggers are like family, and we ALL look forward to seeing each other every week!

Kay Pritchard

My first introduction to clogging was in the Parks and Recs catalog. I’d never heard of it, but I thought it would be a fun thing to do with my 11 year old daughter. After the first few sessions we knew we loved it, and that was 20 years ago.

We were asked to join the Conejo Valley Cloggers exhibition team and enjoyed performing for community events for the next 10 years. The clogging group has become a great social weekly event where I get exercise and mind challenges.

The opportunity to co-teach with Evy arose a few years ago, and I jumped at the challenge. I like sharing my love of dance, and helping people to learn something new and stay active.

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Classes & Fees

Classes Are Ongoing!

Thursday Evenings at Old Meadows Park

  • We break the last 2 weeks of the year.
  • Your class fee covers the entire evening, so feel free to stay as long as you like and learn as much as you want!

Schedule for 2025

6:30 – 7:15 pm BEGINNER
7:15 – 8:15 pm EASY/EASY PLUS
8:15 – 9:00 pm INTERMEDIATE
9:00 – 9:30 pm INTERMEDIATE PLUS


Register: Online @ Conejo Recreation & Park District or bring cash OR check with you to class. Choose the number of classes you want to attend:

1 class/month = $12
2 classes/month = $21
3 classes/month = $30
4 classes/month = $39
5 classes/month = $48

Learn Clog Dancing: New Beginners class schedule for 2024

$111.00 for the 12-week session. First session of the year begins on the following date:            6:30 – 7:15pm

    • February 20th, 2025  
    • Sign up through or at class

Click here to watch the steps you’ll learn in the Beginner Class.

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